28 Sep 2022 06:00 PMHora central (EE. UU. y Canadá)
Join the News Literacy Project, a national nonpartisan education nonprofit, in this free educator webinar to explore a trio of brand-new STEM-aligned Checkology®️ lessons!Topics covered in the new lessons include climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccines, medical misinformation, pseudoscience and conspiratorial thinking. The lessons, “Be Health Informed,” “Evaluating Science-Based Claims” and “Making Sense of Data,” support the development of science and engineering practices, such as analyzing and interpreting data, engaging in arguments for evidence and using mathematics and computational thinking.Checkology is a FREE browser-based e-learning platform with nearly 20 classroom-ready, expert-hosted lessons, as well as dozens of supplementary activities, exercises and challenges.During the webinar, NLP staff and subject-matter experts will provide an overview of the lessons. They will also share teaching tips and best practices for incorporating the lessons and related activities into your curriculum.•
Be the first to see our new lessons demonstrated.• Hear directly from subject-matter expert – and host of “Evaluating Science-Based Claims” – Melanie Trecek-King, a scientist and a teacher at Massasoit Community College in Brockton, Massachusetts.•
You can also ask questions of NLP staff, including Brittney Smith, senior manager of education partnerships (east), Erin Olson, senior manager of education partnerships, and Shaelynn Farnsworth, senior director of education partnership strategy. Don’t miss this opportunity to get a jump on your STEM-aligned media and news literacy plans this fall!
Registration at
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