A series of Professor Jean-Marc Dewaele’ L2 emotion questionnaires (Foreign Language Flow, Enjoyment & Anxiety) are now available in L2 Speech Tools. You can download & use it for your own research.
Questionnaires @L2SpeechTools
Questionnaires: http://sla-speech-tools.com/?page_id=152
Original papers:
Dewaele, J.-M., & MacIntyre, P. D. (2022) “You can't start a fire without a spark”. Enjoyment and the Emergence of Flow in Foreign Language Classrooms. Applied Linguistics Review. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/applirev-2021-0123/html?casa_token=yJrVOgOPi9wAAAAA:4--q14RNVgX4IFcVQ7d4MPe4ohBx8P9vmF44P7PpRod_tTsO7eHwGxbOOPN_zI7YA--__iOLm4h3
Botes, E., van der Westhuizen, L., Dewaele, J.-M., MacIntyre, P.D. & Greiff, S. (2022) Validating the Short-Form Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (S-FLCAS). Applied Linguistics https://academic.oup.com/applij/article-abstract/43/5/1006/6571635
Botes, E., Dewaele, J.-M. & Greiff, S. (2021) The Development of a Short-Form Foreign Language Enjoyment Scale. The Modern Language Journal 105(4), 858-876. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/modl.12741?casa_token=H9_sNiiQ1ugAAAAA:Q_k8c-9dv5Qdvd_MB3KQKF-PFwBa9bw6SyPnU0XSAS8Seje8YpM4GTO6HM8t8zNCej5P7D-izZxljRFgJA
Professor Dewaele’s special lecture:
Copied from Applied Linguistics Research Methods - Discussion Facebook group